The tried and true 2N2222A is still one of the most popular and widely designed-in discrete semiconductors in the world. Central Semiconductor continues to manufacture this extremely versatile device in the TO-18 metal can case and maintains high inventory levels.
The 2N2222A is also available in bare die form, as well as the TO-39 and UB surface mount package for specialized applications. For high-reliability end products, this 40V, 800mA device may be up-screened to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K equivalents, MIL-PRF-19500 Class HC and KC equivalents, and customer-specific screening. Screening to JANTX equivalents (Central JX-lite) is also possible.
久经考验的 2N2222A 是世界上最流行和设计最广泛的分立半导体之一。Central Semiconductor 继续在 TO-18 金属罐外壳封装中制造这种用途极其广泛的产品,并保持高库存水平。 2N2222A 还提供裸片形式,以及用于特殊应用的 TO-39 和 UB 表面贴装封装。对于高可靠性的最终产品,这款 40V、800mA 设备可以通过 MIL-PRF-38534 H 类和 K 类等效物、MIL-PRF-19500 HC 和 KC 类等效物以及客户特定的筛选。也可以筛选到 JANTX 等效项(Central JX-lite)。